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Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Bar-Ilan University

Studies in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology are designed to offer students a comprehensive and thorough basis for investigating and analyzing the complexities of social life and social phenomena.

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Bar-Ilan University
Established in 1955, Bar-Ilan University is one of Israel leading research universities, with 9 faculties, thousands of courses spanning over all academic disciplines, and a plethora of students from all walks of life, enjoying BIU's award winning campus, advanced…
Dr. Limor Gabay-Egozi Academic Staff
Dr. Limor Gabay-Egozi
Research: As a sociologist with interest in stratification, I mainly focus my research projects on the question who gets ahead and who falls behind. My…
Author: ראש המחלקה
מאמצינו לקידום ולחידוש ההוראה נשאו פרי: סגן הרקטור, פרופ' אריה רייך, הודיע לנו כי המחלקה…