Israel Science Foundation Research Workshop

Research Workshop of the Israel Science Foundation
Religion and Social Change
5 - 7 June 2023
Religion and Social Change: Intersections between Conservative Religious Groups and Liberal Values.
The workshop centers on the intersection between conservative religious groups and modern liberal values. It will investigate processes of social change that are taking place in these communities as they adapt modern liberal values to fit their agendas and ways of life, side by side being changed by these values in ways that have influence on society at large. The different papers will explore themes such as gender equality, sexuality, pluralism, democracy, self-fulfillment and individual authority (versus collective authority); these themes represent pressing questions for contemporary religious groups and reflect a struggle between preservation and change.
Organizer: Michal Pagis, Bar Ilan University
The Workshop is open to registered participants only.
The workshop is generously funded by:
The Israel Science Foundation
The Schnitzer Foundation for Research on the Israeli Economy and Society at Bar-Ilan University
The Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Bar Ilan University