
פרופ' אורנה ששון-לוי
פרופסור אורנה ששון-לוי מרצה במחלקה לסוציולוגיה ולאנתרופולוגיה, ובתכנית ללימודי מגדר באוניברסיטת בר-אילן. תחום המחקר העיקרי שלה הוא מיליטריזם ומגדר בהקשרים רחבים. במאמריה בתחום זה היא בוחנת את כינון הזהויות הגבריות בתפקידים שונים בצבא; המקום המורכב של נשים בארגון צבאי-גברי; המשמעויות של שילוב מגדרי בצבא בכלל ובקורס קצינים בפרט; ההשלכות של גלובליזציה על המשטרים המגדריים של צבאות מערביים; ההשלכות המגדריות של מעבר לצבא מקצועי; הקשר בין שירות צבאי לאזרחות ממוגדרת, ומקום השירות הצבאי בסיפורי חיים של נשים. ששון-לוי כתבה, ערכה ופרסמה שלושה ספרים בתחום זה:
ששון-לוי אורנה: זהויות במדים: נשים וגברים בצבא הישראלי (2006),
Lomsky-Feer Edna and Orna Sasson-Levy: Women Soldiers and Citizenship in Israel: Gendered Encounters with the State (2018)
ששון-לוי אורנה ועדנה לומסקי-פדר: מגדר בבסיס: נשים וגברים בשירות הצבאי (2018).
בנוסף, בשנים האחרונות ששון-לוי חוקרת ומפרסמת בתחום של אתניות ישראלית, תוך התמקדות באתניות הבלתי נראית של הקבוצה ההגמונית – האשכנזים. בהקשר זה היא ניתחה את הדרך בה אשכנזים שומרים על מיקומם הפריבילגי בחברה בישראל דרך סימון גבולות אתניים ומחיקתם באינטראקציות בחיי היום יום, את הבדלים הבין-דוריים בתפישות של אשכנזיות ואת התפישה הציבורית של מושג ההשתכנזות. לאחרונה היא חוקרת את הקשר בין מוביליות מעמדית לתהליכים ותפישות של השתכנזות בישראל.
תחום מחקר שלישי, שמתבטא בעיקר בהנחיה של עבודות תיזה ודוקטורט, הינו חקר התנועות החברתיות בישראל, ובעיקר תנועות מחאה ומגדר, ואקטיביזם להטבי' בישראל, וכן זהויות מגדריות בארגונים.
- סוציולוגיה של צבא ומיליטריזם
- מגדר, אתניות וצבא
- תאוריה פמיניסטית
- כינון זהויות מגדריות
- לימודי גבריות
- תנועות חברתיות
- לימודי אתניות, בדגש על לבנות ואשכנזיות
- חברה ישראלית
קורות חיים
Lomsky-Feder Edna and Orna Sasson-Levy. 2018. Women Soldiers and Citizenship in Israel: Gendered Encounters with the State. New York and London: Routledge.
Sasson-Levy, Orna. 2006. Identities in Uniform: Masculinities and Femininities in the Israeli Military, Jerusalem: Eshkolot Series, Magnes Press, and Tel Aviv: Migdarim Series, Hakibutz Hameucahd Press [in Hebrew].
Books as Editor
Orna Sasson-levy and Edna Lomsky-Feder. Forthcoming (2018). Gender at the Base: Women, Men and Military Service in Israel. Jerusalem: Van Leer and Hakibutz Hameuchad (Hebrew).
Ze'ev Shavit, Orna Sasson-Levy, and Guy Ben-Porat, Eds. 2013. Points of Reference: Changing Identities and Social Positioning in Israeli Society. Jerusalem: Van-Leer Institute, and Tel Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad Press [in Hebrew].
Articles in Refereed Journals
Sasson-levy Orna and Edna Lomsky-Feder, 2022. Gendered Gratitude: The Civic Subjectivity of Israeli Women Soldiers, Citizenship Studies. https://doi.org/10.1080/13621025.2022.2053838
Hartal, G. and Sasson-Levy, Orna. 2022. Failing homonationalism? Gay Israeli Eurovision geeks negotiating nationalism and masculinity. Journal of Homosexuality. DOI10.1080/00918369.2022.2038967
Hartal Gilly and Orna Sasson-Levy, 2021. The Progressive Orient: Gay Tourism to Tel Aviv and Israeli Ethnicities. Environmental and Planning C: Politics and Space, 39 (1): 11-29.
Zamwel Einat and Orna Sasson-Levy, 2020. Dislocated Locality: Political Consumption of Voluntary Simplifiers in Israel” Israeli Sociology, 21 (1): 53-76 (Hebrew).
Hartal Gilly and Orna Sasson-Levy, 2019. Ethnicity and Sexuality: Gay Mizrachi subjectivity and Gay Tourism to Tel Aviv. Israeli Sociology, 20 (2): 34-58. (Hebrew).
Barakat, Ebtesam, Amal Jamal, and Orna Sasson-Levy. 2018. “The Consequences of Blurred Boundaries between Private and Public Spheres in Patriarchal Societies: Evidence from Druze Women in Israel,” Journal of Research in Gender Studies, 8(2): 64–91.
Hartal, Gilly and Sasson-Levy, Orna. 2018. Re-Reading Homonationalism: An Israeli Spatial Perspective, Journal of Homosexuality, 65:10, 1391-1414.
Karazi-Presler, Tair, Orna Sasson-Levy and Edna Lomsky-Feder, 2018. Gender, Emotions Management, and Power in Organizations: The Case of Israeli Women Junior Military Officers, Sex Roles 78:573–586.
Sasson-Levy Orna and Chen Misgav. 2017. Gender Studies in Israel in the Early 21st Century: Between Neo-Liberalism and Neo-Colonialism. Megamot 41 (2): 165 - 206 [in Hebrew].
Hartal Gilly and Sasson-Levy, Orna. 2017. Being [in] the center - Sexual citizenship and homonationalism at Tel Aviv’s Gay-Center. Sexualities, 20(5–6): 738–761.
Perez Merav and Orna Sasson-Levy. 2015. Avoiding Military Service in a Militaristic Society: A Chronicle of Resistance to Hegemonic Masculinity. Peace and Change: A Journal of Peace Research, 40 (4): 462-488.
Lomsky-Feder, Edna and Orna Sasson-Levy. 2015. "Serving the Army as Secretaries: Intersectionality, Social Contracts and Subjective Experience of Citizenship", British Journal of Sociology, 66 (1): 173 – 192.
Sasson-Levy, Orna, and Avi Shoshana. 2014. "Hishtaknezut: Ethnic Performance and its Failure." Theory and Criticism 42: 71 – 97, [in Hebrew].
Zamwel, Einat, Orna Sasson-Levy, and Guy Ben-Porat. 2014. "Voluntary Simplifiers as Political Consumers: Individuals Practicing Politics through Reduced Consumption." Journal of consumer culture 14(2): 199–217
Sasson-Levy Orna et Edna Lomsky-Feder. 2013, Genre et violence dans les paroles de soldates: le cas d’Israël, Critique internationale, n°60 juillet-septembre, p. 71-88 [in French].
Sasson-Levy, Orna, and Avi Shoshana. 2013. "'Passing' as (Non) Ethnic: The Israeli Version of Acting White." Sociological Inquiry 83 (3): 448-472.
Sasson-Levy, Orna. 2013. "A Different Kind of Whiteness: Marking and Unmarking of Social Boundaries in the Construction of Hegemonic Ethnicity." Sociological Forum 28 (1): 27 – 50.
Sasson-Levy, Orna. 2013. "Ethnic Generations: Evolving Ethnic Perceptions among Dominant Groups." The Sociological Quarterly 54: 399–423.
Sasson-Levy, Orna. 2011. "From the Military as a Gendered Organization to Militarized Inequality Regimes: Research on Gender and the Military in Israel." Israel Studies Review 26 (2): 73-98.
Sasson-Levy, Orna, Yagil Levy, and Edna Lomsky-Feder. 2011. "Women Breaking the Silence: Military Service, Gender and Antiwar Protest." Gender & Society 25 (6): 740-763.
Sasson-Levy, Orna. 2011. "Gendered Implications of the Transition to a Professional Military." The Public Sphere 5: 73-92 [in Hebrew].
Sasson-Levy, Orna. 2008. “I Don’t Want an Ethnic Identity: The Marking and Erasing of Boundaries in Contemporary Discourses of Ashkenaziyut”. Theory and Criticism, 33: 101-129 [in Hebrew].
Levy, Gal and Orna Sasson-Levy. 2008. “Militarized Socialization, Military Service and Class Reproduction: the Experiences of Israeli Soldiers”. Sociological Perspectives, 51 (2): 349-374.
Sasson-Levy, Orna. 2008. “Individual Bodies, Collective State Interests: The Case of Israeli Combat Soldiers” Men and Masculinities, 10 (3): 296-321.
Sasson-Levy, Orna and Sarit Amram-Katz, 2007. "Gender Integration in Israeli Officer Training: Degendering and Regendering the Military," Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 33 (1): 105-135.
Published also in:
Alexander Karen and Mary Hawkesworth. (Eds.), 2008. Feminist Perspectives on War and Terror, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 331-361.
Sasson-Levy, Orna, 2007. Contradictory Consequences of Mandatory Conscription: The Case of Women Secretaries in the Israeli Military”, Gender & Society 21 (4): 481-507.
Sasson-Levy, Orna, 2003. “Military, Masculinity and Citizenship: Tensions and Contradictions in the Experience of Blue-Collar Soldiers” Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 10 (3): 319-345.
Sasson-Levy, Orna, 2003. “Masculinity as Protest: Identity Constructions of Soldiers in Blue Collar Roles” Israeli Sociology 5 (1): 15-47 [in Hebrew].
Sasson-Levy, Orna and Tamar Rapoport. 2003. “Gender, Body and Knowledge in Protest Movements”, Gender & Society 17 (3): 379-403.
Sasson-Levy, Orna. 2003. “Feminism and Military Gender Practices: Israeli Women Soldiers in ‘Masculine’ roles”, The Sociological Inquiry 73 (3): 440-465.
Sasson-Levy, Orna and Tamar Rapoport. 2002. “Body and Knowledge in Social Movements”, Megamot 41 (4): 489-514 [in Hebrew].
Sasson-Levy, Orna. 2002. “Constructing Identities at the Margins: Masculinities and Citizenship in the Israeli Army”, The Sociological Quarterly 43 (3): 353-383.
Sasson-Levy, Orna. 2001. “Gender Performance in a Changing Military: Women Soldiers in “Masculine” Roles”, Israel Studies Forum: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 17 (1): 7-23.
Book Chapters:
Sasson-Levy, Orna. Forthcoming (2017). Ethnicity and Gender in Militaries: An Intersectional Analysis”, in Rachel Woodward and Claire Duncanson (Eds.): The Palgrave International Handbook of Gender and the Military.
Safran Hannnah, Racheli Hartal and Orna Sasson-Levy, 2016. “Local Lesbian Herstory: Activism, Struggles and Achievements”, in Alon Harel, Einav H. Morgenstern, Yaniv Lushinsky (Eds.) LGBTQ Rights in Israel: Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation and the Law. Jerusalem: The Harry and Michael Sacher Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law, Nevo Publishers.Pp. 45 – 80.
Lomsky-Feder Edna and Orna Sasson-Levy. 2016. “The Effects of Military Service on Women’s Lives from the Narrative Perspective”. In Helena Carreiras, Celso Castro and Sabina Frederic (Eds.): Researching the Military, New York: Routledge. Pp. 94 – 107.
Sasson-Levy, Orna. 2016. "Women’s Memories of Soldiering: An Intersectionality Perspective", in Ayse Gul Altinay and Andrea Peto (Eds.), Gendered Wars, Gendered Memories: Feminist Conversations on War, Genocide and Political Violence. Ashgate books, Farnham, UK: Gower. Pp. 109 – 121.
Sasson-Levy, Orna. 2014. "Gender separation or Women's exclusion? The military as a case study" in Elisheva Rosman-Stollman and Ahraon Kampinsky (Eds.), Civil-Military Relations in Israel: Essays in Honour of Stuart A. Cohen, Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books. Pp. 147 – 171.
Sasson-Levy, Orna, Guy Ben Porat and Ze'ev Shavit. 2013. "Stability, Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Identities in Contemporary Israel," in Ze'ev Shavit, Orna Sasson-Levy, and Guy Ben-Porat (eds.), Points of Reference: Changing Identities and Social Positioning in Israeli Society. Jerusalem: Van-Leer Institute, and Tel Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad Press [in Hebrew]. Pp. 7-25.
Sasson-Levy, Orna, 2013. "'I'm an Ashkenazi, My Parents Don't See Themselves as Such': Intergenerational Differences in Perceptions of Ashkenaziness," in Ze'ev Shavit, Orna Sasson-Levy, and Guy Ben-Porat (Eds.), Points of Reference: Changing Identities and Social Positioning in Israeli Society. Jerusalem: Van-Leer Institute, and Tel Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad Press [in Hebrew]. Pp. 149-179.
Sasson-Levy, Orna, 2013. "Gender Separation or Women's Exclusion? The Military as a Case Study," in Roni Halpern (Ed.), Where Am I? Gendered Perspectives on Space. Kfar Saba: Beit Berl College [in Hebrew]. Pp. 111-141.
Sasson-Levy, Orna, and Orly Benjamin. 2012. "Public Responsibility for Gender Equality." In Kasher, A., R. Cohen-Almagor, and O. Arbel-Ganz (Eds), Handbook of Public Responsibility, Tel Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad Press [in Hebrew] Pp. 497-527.
Sasson-Levy, Orna. 2011. "The Military in a Globalized Environment: Perpetuating an 'Extremely Gendered' Organization." In Jeanes, E., D. Knights and P.Yancey Martin (Eds.), Handbook of Gender, Work and Organization. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. Pp. 391-411
Sasson-Levy, Orna. 2010. "Where Will the Women be? Gendered Implications of the Decline of the Israeli citizen's Army." In Stuart Cohen, (Ed.), The New Citizen Armies: Israel's Armed Forces in Comparative Perspective, London: Routledge, Pp. 173-195.
Sasson-Levy, Orna. 2010. "The Military and Gender Identities." In Gender and the Military. Tel Aviv: Ministry of Defence Publishing House [in Hebrew].
Sasson-Levy, Orna and Gal Levy. 2005. “Combat is Best? Republican Socialization, Gender and Class in Israel”, in H. Gor-Ziv (Ed.): Militarism and Education, Tel Aviv: Bavel [in Hebrew].
Sasson-Levy, Orna. 2001. “Subversion within Oppression: Constructing Gender Identities among Women Soldiers in ‘Masculine’ Roles” in Y. Atzmon (Ed.): Will you Hear My Voice: Representations of Women in Israeli Culture, Tel Aviv: Hakkibutz Hameuchad, Pp. 277-303 [in Hebrew].
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 13/07/2022