ראשת המגמה לחברה ותרבות
פרופ' טובה גמליאל
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בתאום מראש בדואר אלקטרוני
אתר/ים אישי/ים
תחומי מחקר
- ביצוע תרבותי, אנתרופולוגיה של התיאטרון
- אנתרופולוגיה של רגשות
- יחסים בין-דוריים וטכנולוגיה
- תרבויות קינה וטקסי מוות
- זהות וזקנה
- נשים בגיל זקנה
(A partial list)
Gamliel, T. (2014). The Aesthetics of Sorrow: the Wailing Culture of Yemenite-Jewish Women, Detroit, Michigan: Wayne State University Press.
Gamliel, T. The Aesthetics of Sorrow: the Wailing Culture of Yemenite-Jewish Women, Yad Ben-Zvi Institute,2010. (Hebrew)
Gamliel, T. End of Story. Meaning, Identity, Old Age. Tel-Aviv: Tel-Aviv University Press, 2005. (Hebrew)
Gamliel, T. Old Age with a Gleam in the Eyes: Anthropological Research in a Sheltered Housing for the Aged. Dyonon Publications, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv. 2000. (Hebrew)
Gamliel, T.(2014). ‘Here’s Your Dinner, Jews’: Yemenite-Jewish Lamentation in Israel as a Commemoration of Shame, Religion, 44, 1, 46-71.
Gamliel, T. and Gabay, N. (2014). Knowledge as Cultural Capital in an Intergenerational Technological Program in School: Is it a Two-way Street? Educational Gerontology, 40, 8, 597-617.
Gamliel, T. and Gabay, N. (2014). Knowledge as Cultural Capital in an Intergenerational Technological Program in School: Is it a Two-way Street? Educational Gerontology, 40, 8, 597-617.
Gamliel, T. (2013). Emigration Tellers: Old Adults in The Public Garden Scene, Gerontologia*, 40, 2-3, 23-30. (Hebrew)
Gamliel, T. (2012). The Final Act: On the Limitations of the “Mask-of-Aging” Dramaturgical
Metaphor in Representing the Performing Self, Research on Aging, 34, 5, 622-645.
Metaphor in Representing the Performing Self, Research on Aging, 34, 5, 622-645.
Gamliel, T. (2011). Visualizing Traditional Performance: 'Co-directed Observation' as an Ethnographic Tool, Visual Studies, 26, 3, 198-212.
Gamliel, T. "Old age" Characters: On the Limits of Theatre and the Dramaturgic Metaphor in Representing the Playing Self. Israeli
Sociology, 12, 2, 381-402, 2011. (Hebrew)
Gamliel, T. (2010). Women's Wailing in Death Rituals: Emotion Management, Sincerity, and Acting. Megamot, 43, 1, 32-60. (Hebrew)
Gamliel, T. (2010). "She Who Mourn will Cry": Emotion and Expertise in Yemeni-Israeli Wailing. Journal of Anthropological Research, 66, 4, 485-504.
Gamliel, T. (2010). The Wailing Wisdom: The contribution of Ethno Psychological Perspective to Understanding of the Grief Process, Megamot, 47, 1, 32-60. (Hebrew)
Gamliel, T. (2010). "She Who Mourn will Cry": Emotion and Expertise in Yemeni-Israeli Wailing. Journal of Anthropological Research, 66, 4, 485-504.
Gamliel, T. (2010). The Wailing Wisdom: The contribution of Ethno Psychological Perspective to Understanding of the Grief Process, Megamot, 47, 1, 32-60. (Hebrew)
Gamliel, T. Women's Wailing in Death Rituals: Emotion Management, Sincerity, and Acting. Megamot, 47, 1, 32-60. 2010. (Hebrew)
Gamliel, T. "She Who Mourn will Cry": Emotion and Expertise in Yemeni-Israeli Wailing. Journal of Anthropological Research, 66, 4, 485-504, 2010.
Gamliel, T. Performed Weeping: Drama and Emotional Management in Women's Wailing. TDR: The Drama Review, 54, 2, 70-90, 2010.
Gamliel, T. Women's Roles in Death Rituals: Perspectives of Yemenite-Jewish Men on the Wailing Tradition, Sociological Papers, 13, 111-131, 2008.
Gamliel, T. Performance versus Social Invisibility: What Can Be Learned from the Wailing Culture of Old-Age Yemenite-Jewish Women? Women's Studies International Forum, 31, 209-218, 2008.
Gamliel, T. The Value of "Performance": Feminine Wailing Culture and Social Images of Old Women (and Men), Megamot, 25, 2, 370-403, 2007. (Hebrew)
Gamliel, T. Textual Categories and Gender Images in a Women's Wailing Performance, Social Analysis,51, 3, 23-54, 2007.
Gamliel, T. "Wailing Lore" in a Yemenite-Israeli Community: Bereavement, Expertise, and Therapy, Social Science & Medicine, 65, 7, 1501-1511, 2007.
Gamliel, T. Reichental, Y., & Eyal, N. Intergenerational Educational Encounters: Part 2: Counseling Implications of the Model. Educational Gerontology, 33, 145-164, 2007.
Gamliel, T. Reichental, Y., & Eyal, N. Intergenerational Educational Encounters: Part 1: A Model of Knowledge. Educational Gerontology, 33, 1-22, 2007.
Gamliel, T. Death Throes: An Examination of Identities Model in a Wailing Culture, in A. Yasif (ed.) Sadan. Studies in Hebrew Literature. Tel-Aviv University, Vol. 6, 269-304, 2007. (Hebrew)
Gamliel, T. Women’s Wailing in a Men’s Circle: A Case Study of Yemenite-Jewish Tradition in Israel, Journal of Ritual Studies, 20, 1, 51-72, 2006.
Gamliel, T and Hazan, H. The Meaning of Stigma: Identity Construction in Two Old-Age Institutions, Ageing and Society, 26, 3, 355-371, 2006.
Gamliel, T. Wailing Culture: A Test Case of Social Categories, Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Folklore, XXIII, 61-88, 2005. (Hebrew)
Gamliel, T. The Dance Macabre: A Unique Discourse among the Elderly, Semiotica, 149, 1/4, 261-275, 2004.
Hazan, H. and Gamliel, T. Dignity Transitions: Death-Ritual Symbolism in the Lives of the Elderly. Studies in Symbolic Interaction, 27, 207-234, 2004.
Hazan, H. and Gamliel, T. Death Procession: Rituals of Self-Death in Old-Age Home. Sociologia Israelit, 5, 2, 395-416, 2003 (Hebrew).
Gamliel, T. The Macabre Style: Coping with Death in Old Age. Megamot. 42, 2, 240-261, 2003. (Hebrew).
Gamliel, T. The Macabre Style: Coping with Death in Old Age. Ethos, 31, 4, 495-512, 2003.
Gamliel, T. and Hazan. H. Stigma as Reputation: On Self-Identity in an Old-Age Home. Gerontologia, 26, 3-4, 31-45, 2003. (Hebrew)
Gamliel, T. A Social Version of Gero-Transcendence: Case Study, Journal of Aging and Identity, 6, 2, 105-114, 2001.
Gamliel, T. The Lobby as an Arena in the Confrontation Between Denial and Acceptance of Old Age, Journal of Aging Studies, 14, 3, 251-271, 2000.
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 07/05/2023