קורות חיים
קורות חיים
Research Methods in Social Science - Strategy, Design and Measurement. Tel-Aviv: Dekel, 1978 (Hebrew) (with E. Krausz and S.H. Miller).
The Beginning of Life: Rites of Birth, Circumcision and Redemption of the First-Born in the Talmud and Midrash. Tel-Aviv: Ha-Kibbutz Ha-Meuchad, 1995, (Hebrew).
The End of Life: Rites of Burial and Mourning in the Talmud and Midrash. Tel-Aviv: Hakibbutz Ha- Meuchad, 1988 (Hebrew).
The Joy of Life: Rites of Betrothal and Marriage in the Talmud and Midrash. Tel-Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 2004 (Hebrew).
Time and Life Cycle in Talmud and Midrash: Socio-Anthropological Perspectives. Boston,MA: Academic Studies Press, 2008.
New Rituals – Old Societies: Invented Rituals in Contemporary Israel. Boston, MA: Academic Studies Press, 2009.
"Time and Dress among the Ultra-Orthodox." Akdamot, 20:131-153, 2008 (Hebrew) (with Admiel Kosman),
“Army Retirement Rites: Formal and Informal". Megamot, 40:103-130, 1999 (With Drora Peer) (Hebrew).
"Chronic Illness and Family Functioning: The Case of Juvenile Diabetes," Megamot, 39: 97-115, 1998 (with Kathy Sadan and Chaya Bareli), (Hebrew).
"The Clothing of the Primordial Adam as a Symbol of Apocalyptic Time in the Midrashic Sources," Harvard Theological Review, 90: 155-174, 1997 (with Admiel Kosman).
"Ethnic Civil Religion: A Case Study of Immigrants form Rumania in Israel." Sociology of Religion, 57: 195-212, 1996 (with Rina Neeman).
"Coping with the Value of Pidyon Ha'ben Payment in Rabbinicaland Literature: An Example of a Social Change Process." Jewish History, 10: 1-23, 1996.
"The Obese and the Slim: Personal Definitional Rites of Identity Change in a Group of Obese People who Became Slim after Gastric Reduction Surgery." Megamot, 36: 5-19, 1994 (Hebrew) (with C. Shmilovitz and M. Weiss).
"From Fat to Thin: Informal Rituals of Identity Change." Symbolic Interaction, 16: 1-17, 1993.
(with C. Shmilovitz and M. Weiss).
"Social Networks and Mourning: A Comparative Approach," Omega - Journal of Death and Dying, 21: 113-127, 1990.
"From Monism to Dualism: Body and Soul in Talmudic Thought." Da'at, 23: 33-63, 1989 (Hebrew).
"On Drawing Down the Prepuce and Excision of the Foreskin (Peri'ah)," Zion, 54: 105- 117, 1989 (Hebrew).
"Body and Soul in Talmudic and Mishnaic Sources," Koroth 9: 173-179, 1988.
"Symbolic Significance of Hair in the Biblical Narrative and in the Law," Koroth 9: 151-164, 1988 (with H. Trau and S. Vargon).
"Historical Time and Liminal Time: A Chapter in the Historiosophy of the Sages," Jewish History 2: 7-22, 1988 (Hebrew).
"The Social Significance in the Bible of the First Born," Beit Mikra 113: 155-170, 1988 (Hebrew).
"Mourning in the Kibbutz," Megamot 31: 53-64, 1988 (Hebrew).
"Mourning and Memorialization in the Army," Megamot 30: 139-150, 1987 (Hebrew).
"Social Structure and Patterns of Mourning," Society and Welfare, 7: 219-231, 1987 (Hebrew).
"Death Customs in a Non-Religious Kibbutz: The Use of Sacred Symbols in a Secular Society," Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 25: 292-303, 1986.
"Unofficial Memorial Rites in a Army Unit," Social Forces, 63: 795-809, 1985.
"Personal Bereavement in a Collective Environment: Mourning in the Kibbutz," Advances in Thanatology, 5 (2): 9-22, 1982.
"Social Networks and Mourning Patterns." In A. de Vries and A. Carmi (eds.), The Dying Human. Ramat-Gan: Turtledove, 1979, pp. 471-474.
Chapters in Books
"Sociology and Anthropology of Talmudic texts." In: Avi Ravitzki (ed.) Halacha and Metahalacha: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Jerusalem: Magnes Press. 2011, pp. 98-121 (Hebrew).
"Rites of Birth and Marriage: A Critical Reading in Rabbinic Sources." In: Avi Ravitzki and Avinoam Resenak (eds.) New Streams in Philosophy of Halakhah. Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 2008, pp. 491-519 (Hebrew).
"Introduction" to Simcha Fishbane, Deviancy in Early Rabbinic Literature: A Collection of Socio-Anthropological Essays. Leiden: Brill, 2007
"Age of Marriage in Talmudic Sources – An Anthropological Approach." In: Yehuda Friedlender, Uzi Shavit and Avi Sagi (eds.), The Old Shall be Renewed and the New Sanctified: Essays in Judaism, Identity and Culture in Memory of Meir Ayali. Tel Aviv: Ha-Kibutz Ha-Meuchad, 2005, pp.143-181 (Hebrew).
"Brit Milah: A Study of Change in Customs." In: Elizabeth Wyner Mark (ed.), The Covenant of Circumcision: New Perspectives on an Ancient Jewish Rite. Boston: University Press of New England and Brandeis University Press, 2003, pp. 87-97.
"Circumcision as a Social and Cultural Phenomenon." In: Alma Cohen-Vardi (ed.), Receptions. Tel-Aviv: Alma, 2002, pp. 35-40 (Hebrew).
"From Corpse to Corpus: The Body of the Dead as a Text in Talmudic Literature." In Jan Assman, Guy Stroumsa and Albert Baumgarten (eds.), Self, Soul and Body in Religious Experiences. Baltimore, MD: Numan, 1998, pp. 171-183.
"Du corps mort au corpus: le corps comme texte dans la litterature talmudique", Florence Heymann et Danielle Storper Perez (ed.), Le corps de texte: Pour une anthropologie des textes de la tradition Juive. Paris: CNRS, 1997, pp. 209-223.
"Death Customs in a Non-Religious Kibbutz." In Shlomo Deshen, Charles Liebman and Moshe Shokeid (eds.), Israeli Judaism (Studies of Israeli Society Series, Vol. 7). New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 1995, pp. 323-334.
"Secondary Burial in the Mishnaic and Talmudic Periods: A Proposed Model of the Relationships of Social Structure to Burial Practices." Israel Singer (ed.), Graves and Burial: Practices in Israel in the Ancient Period. Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben Zvi, 1994, pp. 248-269 (Hebrew).
"Unofficial Rites in an Army Unit." In Eyal Ben-Ari (ed.), Defining Israeli Culture: An Anthropological Approach. Jerusalem: Rothenberg School, Hebrew University, 1993, 26-33 (Hebrew).
"The Blessing of Mourners: Ritual Aspects of Social Change." In Herb W. Basser and Simchah Fishbane (eds.), Approaches to Ancient Judaism. Atlanta, Georgia: Scholars Press, 1993, 119-141.
"The Price of Redemption: Jewish First Born and Social Change." In Simchah Fishbane and Stuart Schoenfeld (eds.), Essays in the Social Scientific Study of Judaism and Jewish Society II. Haboken, NJ: Ktav, 1991, pp.3-12.
"The Sages' conception of Body and Soul." In Jack Lightstone and Simchah Fishbane (eds.), Essays in the Social Scientific Study of Judaism and Jewish Society I. Montreal: Concordia University Press, 1990, 47-103.
"Birkat Avelim - The Blessing of Mourners." In: Yad LaTalmud, Tel-Aviv: Massada, 1983 (Hebrew).
"On the Custom of `Ma'amad U-Moshav' in Talmudic Literature: A Historical-Sociological Analysis of Mourning Customs". In: Avraham Spiegelman Book. Tel-Aviv, 1979, pp. 135-144 (Hebrew).
"Memorial Performances and Family Cohesion." In: Jewish Families. Jerusalem: Ministry of Education, 1977, pp. 253-261 (Hebrew).
"For Whom Does One Mourn? A Sociological Analysis of Talmudic Sources." Bar-Ilan Yearbook, Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, Vol. 10, 1972, pp. 111-122 (Hebrew).
Book Reviews
Daniel Boyarin, "Carnal Israel: Reading Sex in Talmudic Culture". Tel-Aviv: Am Oved, 1999. In: Israeli Sociology, 3: 216-219, 2001 (Hebrew).
Israel Bartal and Isaiah Gafni (eds.), "Sexuality and the Family in History". Jerusalem: The Zalman Shazar Center, 1998. In: Megamot, 40: 743-747, 2000 (Hebrew).
Lawrence A. Hoffman, "Covenant of Blood: Circumcision and Gender in Rabbinic Judaism". Chicago-London: The University of Chicago Press, 1996. In: Zion, 63: 225-230, 1998 (Hebrew).
"Loss and Bereavement in Jewish Society in Israel." Ruth Malkinson, Simon Rubin and Eliezer Witztum (eds.), Megamot, 1994, 36: 140-142 (Hebrew).
Research Report
Forces Acting in Street Corner Groups. Jerusalem: Ministry of Welfare, 1967 (with A. Leissner and S. Bors).
Updated: April, 2011
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 31/12/2019