ד"ר דוד רייר
Institution | Degree | Year |
Columbia College, Columbia University (History) | A.B. | 1984 |
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Columbia University (Sociomedical Sciences) | M.A. | 1989 |
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Columbia University (Sociomedical Sciences) | M.Phil. | 1990 |
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Columbia University (Sociomedical Sciences) | Ph.D. | 1995 |
“Publication and Controversy in Epidemiology: Investigators' Publication Decisions” | Topic: | Dissertation |
Professors Harriet Zuckerman (advisor), Peter Messeri (advisor), Stephen Hilgartner, Ron Bayer, Mervyn Susser | Committee: | Dissertation |
A reflexive reappraisal of individual responsibility in medical sociology
Disclosure and concealment of Type 1 diabetes in the haredi (ultra-Orthodox) community in Israel
How Israeli shochtim (ritual slaughterers) understand violence in their work
The morbidity and mortality (m&m) conference as a tool of quality control in medicine and surgery
A "panoramic", empirical approach to illness narratives
Spiritual counseling and boundary work in Israel
קורות חיים
Topics in Medical Sociology (seminar)
Internet and Health (seminar)
The Personal Experience of Illness
Health, Medicine, and Society
Science and Society
Sociology of Food: Culture, Ideology, and Politics
The AIDS Epidemic: Science, Politics, and Ideology (BA/MA)
Ethnicity and Health (BA/MA)
Introduction to Sociology (Interdisciplinary Department for Social Sciences [“Chug ha’Meshulav]; 2012-2013)
Socio-cultural Aspects of Food (seminar)
Illness Narratives: Online and Offline (seminar)
Food Cultures
Theoretical Approaches to the Sociology of Health
Internet and Health
Health Ideologies in the Modern Era
Science, Knowledge, and Society
The Health Care System and the Poor (seminar)
Topics in Health, Medicine, and Society
The AIDS Epidemic: Science, Politics, and Ideology (BA/MA)
Ethnicity and Health (BA/MA)
Socio-cultural Aspects of Aging (Interdisciplinary Department for Social Sciences [“Chug ha’Meshulav] Program in Gerontology; 2020-To date)
Experiences of Aging in Modern Society [seminar] (Interdisciplinary Department for Social Sciences [“Chug ha’Meshulav] Program in Gerontology; 2020-2021)
Sociological Aspects of Health and Illness (International Masters of Public Health program, Hebrew University-Hadassah Braun School of Public Health and Community Medicine; 2010-To date)
Academic Writing in English for Doctoral Students
- A.F. Brunswick and D. Rier (1995). "Structural Strain: Drug Abuse among African American Youth" (pp. 225-246). In R.L. Taylor (ed.), African American Youth: Their Social and Economic Status in the United States. Westport, CT: Praeger.
- D.A. Rier (2010). “The Patient's Experience of Illness” (pp. 163-178). In Chloe Bird, Peter Conrad, Allen Fremont, and Stefan Timmermans (eds.), Handbook of Medical Sociology, 6th ed. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press.
- N. Guttman and D.A. Rier (2011). “Ethical Communication Issues in Health Promotion Activities amongst Ultra-Orthodox [Haredi] Jews in Israel” (pp. 69-95). In Donald L. Rubin and Ann N. Miller (eds.), Health Communication and Faith Communities. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press. Available online at URL: http://health-women.org.il/blog/category/english/.
1. D. Indyk and D. Rier (1993). "Grassroots AIDS Knowledge: Implications for the Boundaries of Science and Collective Action". Knowledge: Creation, Diffusion, Utilization (15) 1, pp. 3-43. {cited 18 times [ISI]; cited 45 [Google Scholar]} [Journal later renamed to Science Communication] {Reprinted in Doing Community-Based Research: A Reader; D. Murphy, M. Scammell, and R. Sclove (eds). Amherst, MA: The Loka Institute; 1997}.
2. D. Rier (1996). "The Future of Legal Scholarship and Scholarly Communication: Publication in the Age of Cyberspace". Akron Law Review 30 2, pp. 183-239.
3. D. Rier (1999). "The Versatile 'Caveat' Section of a Scientific Paper: Managing Public and Private Risk". Science Communication (21) 1, pp. 3-37.
4. D. Rier (2000). "The Missing Voice of the Critically Ill: A Medical Sociologist’s First-Person Account". Sociology of Health and Illness (22) 1, pp. 68-93. {Reprinted in Readings in Medical Sociology [2nd Ed.], William C. Cockerham (ed.), Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2000}. {Reprinted in Case Study Research, Vol. II, Matthew David (ed.), London: Sage, 2005}.
5. D. Rier (2003) "Gender, Lifecourse, and Publication Decisions in Toxic-Exposure Epidemiology: 'Now!' vs. 'Wait a Minute!'" Social Studies of Science (33) 2, pp. 269-300.
6. D. Rier (2003). "Work Setting, Publication, and Scientific Responsibility". Science Communication (24) 4, pp. 420-57.
7. D. Rier (2004). "Audience, Consequence, and Journal Selection in Toxic-Exposure Epidemiology". Social Science & Medicine (59) 7, pp. 1541-1546.
8. D. Rier (2004). “Publication Visibility of Sensitive Public Health Data: When Scientists Bury their Results.” Science and Engineering Ethics (10) 4, pp. 597-613.
9. D. Rier (2005). “Handling Risky Knowledge: Gender and Scientific Risk-Taking”. Journal of Men’s Health and Gender (2) 3, pp. 364-368 [now renamed, Journal of Men’s Health].
10. D. Rier and D. Indyk (2006). "The Rationale of Interorganizational Linkages to Connect Multiple Sites of Expertise, Knowledge Production, and Knowledge Transfer: An Example from HIV/AIDS Services for the Inner City". Social Work in Health Care (42) 3/4, pp. 9-27. {Co-published in, The Geometry of Care: Linking Resources, Research, and Community to Reduce Degrees of Separation Between HIV Treatment and Prevention; D. Indyk (ed.). NY: Haworth Press; 2006.}
11. D. Rier and D. Indyk (2006). "Flexible Rigidity: Supporting AIDS Treatment Adherence in a Rapidly-Changing Treatment Environment". Social Work in Health Care (42) 3/4, pp. 133-50. {Co-published in, The Geometry of Care: Linking Resources, Research, and Community to Reduce Degrees of Separation Between HIV Treatment and Prevention; D. Indyk (ed.). NY: Haworth Press; 2006.}
12. D. Indyk and D. Rier (2006). "Wiring the HIV/AIDS System: Building Interorganizational Infrastructure to Link People, Sites, and Networks". Social Work in Health Care (42) 3/4, pp. 29-45. {Co-published in, The Geometry of Care: Linking Resources, Research, and Community to Reduce Degrees of Separation Between HIV Treatment and Prevention; D. Indyk (ed.). NY: Haworth Press; 2006.}
13. D. Indyk and D. Rier (2006). "Requisites, Benefits, and Challenges of Sustainable HIV/AIDS System-Building: Where Theory Meets Practice". Social Work in Health Care 42 (3/4), pp. 93-110. {Co-published in, The Geometry of Care: Linking Resources, Research, and Community to Reduce Degrees of Separation Between HIV Treatment and Prevention; D. Indyk (ed.). NY: Haworth Press; 2006.}
14. D. Rier, A. Schwartzbaum, and C. Heller (2007). “Surveying the Haredim as Insiders: Identity, Objectivity and Research Ethics." Jewish Journal of Sociology (49) 1&2, pp. 36-46.
15. D. Rier (2007). “Internet Support Groups as Moral Agents: The Ethical Dynamics of HIV+ Status Disclosure”. Sociology of Health and Illness (29) 7, pp. 1043-1058.
16. D. Rier (2007). “The Impact of Moral Suasion on Internet HIV/AIDS Support Groups: Evidence from a Discussion of Seropositivity Disclosure Ethics”. Health Sociology Review (16) 3-4, pp. 237-247.
17. D. Rier, A. Schwartzbaum, and C. Heller (2008). “Methodological Issues in Studying an Insular, Traditional Population: A Women’s Health Survey amongst Israeli Haredi (Ultra-Orthodox) Jews”. Women & Health (48) 4, pp. 363-381.
18. Ben-Noach, M., Steinberg, D.M., Rier, D.A., Goldsmith, R., Shimony, T., Rosen, L.J. (2012). "Ethnic Differences in Patterns of Secondhand Smoke Exposure among Adolescents in Israel." Nicotine and Tobacco Research (14) 6, pp. 648-656.
19. Rosen, L.J., Rier, D.A., Schwartz, R., Oren, A., Kopel, A., Gevman, A., Zeller, M., Connolly, G. (2012). "Public Support for Smoke-free Areas in Israel: A Case for Action". Health Policy (106) 2, pp. 161-168.
20. Rosen, L.R., Rier, D.A., Connolly, G., Oren, A., Landau, C., Schwartz, R. (2013). "Do Health Policy Advisors Know What the Public Wants? An Empirical Comparison of How Health Policy Advisors Assess Public Preferences Regarding Smoke-free Air, and What the Public Actually Prefers". Israel Journal of Health Policy Research (2) 1, pg. 20. {URL: http://www.ijhpr.org/content/pdf/2045-4015-2-20.pdf }
21. D.A. Rier (2014). “From Three Sides Now: Reflections on an ICU Journey as Patient, Parent, and Researcher”. Intensive Care Medicine (40) 8, pp. 1162-1163.
22. Rosen, L.J., Rier, D.A., Schwartz, R., Talitman, M. and Zwanziger, L. (2019). "Knowledge and Risk Perceptions of Israelis towards Combustible Cigarettes: The Need for Immediate Remedial Action”. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 8(1):10. [12 pages].
23. D.A. Rier (2019). "Not the Last Word: Pre-arthritis Syndrome". Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 477(2):286-287. [invited commentary]
24. Sagi, D., Spitzer-Shohat S., Schuster, M., Rier, D., and Rudolf, M.C.J. (2020). "Learning Social Determinants of Health through a Home Visiting Course in the Clinical Years". Patient Education and Counseling 103(11):2335-2341.
25. Guzmen-Carmeli, S., Rier, D.A. (2021) “Entrepreneurial Treatment Activism for Undone Science: Mannitol and Parkinson's Disease”. Pre-published online [23 Oct.], BioSocieties.URL: https://rdcu.be/cz1lx.
26. Rier, D.A. (2022) “Responsibility in Medical Sociology: A Second, Reflexive Look”. Pre-published online [7 October], The American Sociologist. URL: https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s12108-022-09549-w.pdf.
- D. Rier (2005). "A Diagnosis for our Times: Alternative Health, from Lifeworld to Politics, by Matthew Schneirov and Jonathan David Geczik". Contemporary Sociology (34) 1, pp. 73-75.
- D. Rier (2006). “Double Standards in Medical Research in Developing Countries, by Ruth Macklin”. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (60) 7, pg. 647.
- D. Rier (2009). "The Patient's Perspective: One Key to Improving ICU Care and Treatment". Intensive Care Medicine (35) Suppl. 1[September], pg. 181 (#0698). {2013 JCR IF: 5.544, Ranking: 4/27 in Critical Care Medicine}
- Rosen, L., Rier, D., Talitman, M., Schwartz, R., Zwanziger, L. (2018). “Knowledge and Risk Perceptions of Israelis towards Combustable Cigarettes: The Need for Immediate Remedial Action. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 16 Suppl 1, A715. https://doi.org/10.18332/tid/84276.
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 12/07/2023